LGBT variables

Gilbert (2003) lists 9 variables that must be considered when talking about class. They are: occupation, household income, wealth, personal prestige, association, socialization, power, class consciousness, and social mobility. So, I thought I would think about the institutionalized LGBT movement and the variables that must be considered when thinking about the hierarchy that exists within … Continue reading

TPQ 1.0

Ok, so, mattilda brought it to my attention that I hadn’t posted this piece. The first 1/3 or so of it is after the jump. I haven’t finished it yet, but here’s part of it… it’s still not academic in any sense of the word, but isn’t there something academically relevant about lived experience?

Trailer Park Queer

So I’ve been working on editing this piece for my anthology submission, and I can’t seem to make it academic. Somehow, it’s a theoretical explanation of my life/childhood. It’s full of personal stories, with bits of theoretical explanation thrown in, and while I’m finding it quite queer, perhaps it is not right for what I’m … Continue reading

more thesis thinking

What follows is my half of an exchange with my thesis advisor/committee chair. I chose him, particularly, because his views are not queer, at all, actually, and his questions challenge me to really evaluate and analyze what it is I believe, say, write, and think. This, I think, is valuable. I have added some things … Continue reading

am I a person of faith?

So, today I was blog-surfing and I found this one: I found it quite enlightening, actually, and I find myself once again questioning whether I am a person of faith or whether I am simply having a crisis of faith. At one time, I was deeply entrenched in my home church (Lutheran, ELCA). I … Continue reading

Criminalizing the Miscarriage

Sorry for the delay in new posts… the in/out-laws were in town this weekend, and they just left this morning… It’s been a busy week and today meant heading back to work and such. But there are posts to come…

Considering Trannies in Prison

I posted this at OutLoud this morning, but wanted to put it here, too. There are class issues involved with the trans life, as well, and I’ll talk more about that later, but for now, I think this is a great story to bring up these issues. The rest is after the jump…

Another anti-HRC rant

From the HRC website: HRC envisions an America where gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are ensured equality and embraced as full members of the American family at home, at work and in every community. This is the HRC mission statement. It can be found on their website in the “about us” section. RANT is … Continue reading

Reading Jay Prosser

So, it’s an essay titled “Judith Butler: Queer feminism, transgender, and the transsubstantiation of sex.” I don’t know if I suggest reading it or not, decide for yourself… The most interesting part? It’s after the jump…

The thesis proposal…

So, a few weeks ago, I wrote some things down about what I want my thesis to look like, and what direction I want it to take. It’s after the jump.